CFP - Avoiding Plagiarism is good practice for career life

The problem of plagiarism is on full swing. From student to professionals everyone is attempting this. Instead of hard work, people believe in using cut shot methods to complete their work. Even these days writers are following plagiarism practice in their writing. They are not using their own creative ideas but are doing copy paste of other’s stuff. Using the stuff without citing the source of stuff comes under the category of plagiarism. Even after knowing the consequences of plagiarism. People are doing the mistake without caring about their career life.

For professionals plagiarism is poison. Following plagiarism practice in their career life means putting career life on stake. But still without any worry people are doing this. Making your career life creative, always use the ideas that are generated in your own mind for writing. Creative contents always attracts people and people always believe  love to read the articles, blogs, books which contains original and creative contents. To make your writing more creative use poetry but by citing the source of the content to keep your career life safe and secure.

Copy paste always block the ideas of the mind and give a limited boundary to thoughts. So for writing always use your ideas. Avoiding plagiarism  is good practice. Plagiarism leads life to destruction. Before publishing your writing publically once check your writing on our CPF software to check the originality of contents to keep your career life safe and secure.  So avoid plagiarism and let your mind be creative.


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