Why controlling on the Plagiarism is important –CFP (Check For Plag)
Plagiarism is defined differently by different scholars as per their point of view. When it is related to the publication of data then it is considered as criminal act as the same text is used without citing the original source or without paying the rightful attribute to original writer. It is important to cure the plagiarism from root to prevent it from growing. Plagiarism means representing someone else‘s work without citation or acknowledging the source. When the copied work is published without citing the source it become the problem for writer because the work is not original and unexplained. The most common plagiarism is found in the literature but these days the plagiarism problem is on high flow among students as well in fields of arts, science and genuine creations. Even web designer and web developers are using this practice in their professional life. Using plagiarized content can also be very dangerous because it can spoil the career life of per...