Plagiarism and Graphic Designing

Plagiarism is very popular these days. It is not only limited to writing material. It’s not only done by students, writers but also graphic designer are doing plagiarism. So these day Graphic designing is also prone to plagiarism.

Graphic designer create creative and unique designs and post it on the internet before getting it approved by owner and other graphic designers copy and paste it and show it as their and because of this the credit goes to the designer who posted first not who designed it. Because search engines give higher rank to the content/ material that was posted earlier. In this way the hard work ends in smoke.

These days the Graphic designing plagiarism became as common as textual plagiarism.  So Designers always make small changes in the original design to make it fresh . They most probably make changes in colors of the image make the design look new and fresh and also the placement of content is changed to prevent it from being shown as plagiarized content.
So it’s good practice if you keep the original design with you safely to prevent it from being plagiarized. So if you want to spread it on social sites, Either do it in the form of collage or make changes and then put it.
It’s very true graphical plagiarism is not that much easy to find out. As it is easy to find the plagiarism in the form of text. It’s good to follow the copy right rules and keep your codes copyrighted for every design.


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