Plagiarism - The Destructor in Writing Career

These days problem of plagiarism is increasing rapidly. It can affect your professional life if you do plagiarize then its tough for you to be a professional writer. Being a good and creative writer very first thing need to be followed is “NOT TO PLAGIARIZE” But if  you are not writing the content yourself but copying others contents and showing it as your writing then You are not actually named as a writer. But if  really wants to be writer but you take other’s content reference for writing that is still better but if you copy and plagiarize other’s contents then it’s tough for you to be  into the field at all. Because with the growth of technology everything goes on internet and there are high chances that your content will be catch by search engines and it will be thrown down into the trash of the search engines and it will totally destroy your career. All the big search engines don’t let the plagiarized content promote on internet.. If any how if  search engines allow   your content and but on the other side you will loss the credibility and reputation because of plagiarized content and the  companies where you will work will come to know about it then  your career will be in the bin.

And if you are using any software or application to roll the content to turn other’s material into yours then there is also the chance of being caught.     With the advancement and enhancement in technology to catch plagiarism it is clearly proven that plagiarism is the biggest destructor in  build a writing career. 


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